Teacher’s handbook

“An invaluable toolkit”


Teaching programme linked to NC objectives Diagnostic photos and diagrams Background “how and why” information

260x200mm, wire bound

Pupil’s Target Book

“A brilliant idea”


Individual target setting and recording Home school communication Learning evidence

210x99mm, wire bound

Class Big Book

“Whole class inspiration”

Kinetic Letters Big Book

Large format for class teaching

470×320, wire bound

Toy Monkeys

“They help me remember the stories behind the letters”

Pupils Whiteboards

“So easy to learn on”


Shallow Sand Trays

“A fantastic resource”

Kinetic Letters sand tray

Font CD

“Make resources and labels in Kinetic Letters style”


“Laminated poster packs for classroom display”

Playing Cards

“Great games for classroom and home use”

Teacher Whiteboards

“Magnetic sheet or wall-mounted versions”

Teachers whiteboard