… so all the attention of the brain can be on the content.

Used in Primary and Secondary Schools across the U.K.

Am so so pleased with Kinetic Letters and impact it is having over such a short period of time. The content of the work has also vastly improved as their minds are free to think more as the handwriting is not holding them back. Laura Holland, Simon de Senlis Primary, Northampton
[reveal title=”For boys as well as girls” open=”false” color=”grey-lite”]

  • Narrows the achievement gap between boys and girls
  • Learn through movement and multisensory experiences
  • Physical programme develops concentration and motor skills
  • Motivating targets and personal challenges
  • Stories and role play, underpin learning


For boys as well as girls

  • Narrows the achievement gap between boys and girls
  • Learn through movement and multisensory experiences
  • Physical programme develops concentration and motor skills
  • Motivating targets and personal challenges
  • Stories and role play, underpin learning

For teachers

  • Easy to follow sequential teaching programme
  • Why/how background information
  • Planning references to ELGs and N.C.
  • Diagnostic photos and strategies for addressing difficulties

For senior managers

  • Raises results across entire curriculum
  • Whole school programme that pupils can enter at any age
  • Minimal set-up costs
  • No learning loss between year groups
  • Writing style gives school identity.

[button type=”linkbutton” color=”orange” url=”https://kineticletters.co.uk/?page_id=222″ target=”_self” title=”Why is Kinetic Letters so successful?” width=”full”][button type=”linkbutton” color=”orange” url=”https://kineticletters.co.uk/?page_id=225″ target=”_self” title=”How does Kinetic Letters help learning?” width=”full”][imageeffect image=”86″ target=”_self” alt=”Kinetic Letters handwriting programme” width=”250″]